Thursday, October 2, 2014

Class 5 Assignment 5

In this shot, the smoke shows a good amount of texture that's unlike much else in Meshmoon rocket. The smoke works via a particle emitter that releases smoke with a negative constant gravity value. Each shape released is a circle with a tapered off edge that both grows and gets more opaque with time. After about 4 seconds the opacity of each item is 0% then they disappear. 

The brick wall shows texture too, but it is much more simple. The wall is basically a string of tessellated images of brick. When you move closer to the wall, the bricks get fuzzy and pixelated. 

The glass case here has a very interesting texture to it. It have a degree of variability in it as it displays a very opaque version of what is reflecting off it. The angle at which each side reflects is based on your position in ratlin to the glass. 

This yellow was the same color value regardless of where you were in relation the tractor. The lighting from different angle didn't do anything to it. 

The bar door here was much the same. Always the same pink. 

Lastly, the chimneys on top of the building retained the same value of grey for all positions I took on.

This is an  exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

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